Everything we do is about you. From workers who sew nice bags, to the whole team who know exactly how you want your bags- we prioritize what you need to get you on your way, We strive to keep you at your best, and we remain loyal to you, your bags and your time.
KelvinCorp starts the trading and manufacturing since 2008, with the supports from the team and our clients, we have been stronger little by little. Fast lead time both on samples and production helps our clients win more markets. Low MOQs, customization available, on-time delivery, and, qualified products are the bridge between you and us.
Over the years, we have been endeavoring to elevate the quality of our bags and improve the purchasing experience for our customers. Appearance and function inspections in every detail before delivery, so that all your requirements for the quality of your bags could be met. Third party inspection, video inspection are always welcome during this special time. Everything is just easy with KelvinCorp.
To avoid undetected malfunctions, there will be 100 percent cosmetic and function inspections in every detail before delivery, so that all your requirements for the quality of your bags could be met.
In case you find any bag defects on your side, we are open to negotiation about solutions.
Kelvin is always at your service with professional techniques for your OEM & ODM projects
We will release new designs several times a month to keep up with public trends.
So you can always get first-hand information of the market demand and get the popular bags in time from us.
During the past decade, we have gathered rich resources of good materials and professional vendors.
So we can provide you with bags of high quality which will be a core competence in the market competition
With experienced team and advanced facilities, we are able to offer you with quick response and 30-day lead time.
Then your efficiency will be improved and you can catch more business opportunities earlier than competitors.